Friday, 11 May 2018

TOSAN, a leading provider of Banking applications and Payment software solutions, today announced that it has earned a place in the list of “Top 25 Banking Tech Solution Providers 2018” by APAC CIO Outlook. “TOSAN is currently thebiggest private ecosystemof the country’s informationand communicationtechnology sector” in recent years, many Muslim countries have madearduous attempts to practice banking as per the Islamicnorms, including Iran. In Iran, the government hasmandated the financial institutions and banking sector tocomply with Sharia rules and regulations, which makesit illegal to perform any banking operations violatingthe Islamic laws in the country. Today, Iran is one ofthe front-runners of Islamic finance and banking, andTOSAN is among the finance technology companies thatfacilitate banking institutions to abide by the norms ofIslamic banking.TOSAN is transforming the banking and financialinstitutions in Iran with its portfolio of Shariacompliantbanking and payment softwaresolutions and services. TOSAN’s productportfolio includes Islamic core bankingsystems, payment and card solutionsalong with Islamic credit card system,virtual banking, and businessintelligence systems. With itscomprehensive product portfolio,TOSAN is currently the biggestprivate ecosystem of the country’sinformation and communicationtechnology sector. The company is alsoone of the few Iranian companies whichhave been successfully exporting fintechenterprise software.The banking and payment solutions providerworks in partnership with the International ShariaResearch Academy (ISRA) to ensure that its products andsolutions comply with Islamic banking norms. TOSANtakes pride in its Sharia compliance, and continually investsin human capital and R&D to offer high-quality bankingsolutions to empower the conventional and Islamic bankingsector. The company is backed by a capable team of morethan 2,800 employees and technical experts with extensivebanking and finance knowledge and ICT developmentskills. In addition, TOSAN is supported by market-leadingtechnology partners that help in offering a comprehensiveportfolio of homogeneous services to its customers.TOSAN focuses on continuously improving the quality ofits products and services to cater to varied needs of its valuablecustomers. “We take every effort to provide improved serviceswith the help of information technology infrastructure library(ITIL) methods and based on the feedback we receive from ourcustomers,” says Rouhollah Fatemi Ardakani, MD, TOSAN.Relying on a completely independent and indigenoustechnology, TOSAN also ensures that its offeringsare always aligned with the internationalstandards. This vision has even enabledthe company to qualify for internationalcertifications such as ISO 20000 and27001, encouraging it to further raisethe bar and continuously providehigh-quality services to clients.Under the supervision ofArdakani—one of the mostexperienced business professionalsin the Iranian banking industry, whois well acquainted with the financialtechnologies and related challenges—the company is growing stronger than ever.Today, TOSAN has over 50 products for thebanking industry, foothold in more than nine countries,and a customer base of over 50 banks, financial institutions,and governmental bodies. Like previous years, the companyrecently participated in the 7th Annual Conference andExhibition on E-Banking and Payment Systems whereit demonstrated its products and services and also heldspecialized panels and workshops. For its continuous effortsto bring innovative products to the market, TOSAN was alsoawarded for the top product with Dr. Nourbakhsh Award atCentral Bank of Iran’s Payment Systems Conference.TOSAN’s vision is to join the top banking softwareproviders and become the world’s largest provider of Islamicbanking software solutions by 2020. The company seeks toexport financial software products aiming to generate tenpercent of TOSAN’s revenue from software export by 2020.By exporting its international standard banking software toclients in other countries, TOSAN eyes extensive growth inthe international and regional markets.


TOSAN Corporation was founded in 1998 specializing in the provision of end-to-end banking solutions for both conventional and Islamic financial institutions. TOSAN is the first and largest market-leading provider of banking software solutions to retail, corporate, private, micro-finance financial institutions in Iran. It has built a strong reputation with 18 years of experience in offering diverse range of solutions encompassing all major components of the banking process.
About APAC CIO Outlook

APAC CIOoutlook is a print magazine that aims to provide a platform for CIO’s, CTO’s and other senior level IT buyers and decision makers along with CXO’s of solution providers to share their experiences, wisdom and advice with enterprise IT community of APAC countries. We promote our unique ‘learn from our peers approach’ in the Asia Pacific region. From enterprise applications to the leading trends in big data, mobile computing, security and the Cloud, CIOoutlook delivers practical, actionable information from senior practitioners in the trenches. We leverage our extensive peer-to-peer network, among leading technology executives, to bring their experience and the best practices to other members of CIO community in Asia Pacific countries. We also identify and profile emerging companies providing cutting edge solutions to enterprises in APAC. For every technology and every industry vertical, our research team has access to and has deep background research done on hundreds of vendors providing solutions in APAC. Published from the hub of technology, Silicon Valley, USA with sales office in Hong Kong and editorial presence in all major APAC countries. APAC CIOoutlook is designed to connect the Enterprise IT community of APAC countries.

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